Friday, 7 February 2014

Message: Forgive God

In King James Version of the bible, “Forgive” is found 56 times; forgiven is found 42 times; forgiveness is found 7 times; forgiving is found 4 times.
Forgive is a two-word which are “for” and “give”. “For” means on account of; because of; in place of; in favour of; concerning; and answering to. “Give” is used 880 times. Forgive is used in 8 ways in the Scripture:
a.       To give (Gen. 1:15, 17; Pr. 1:4)
b.      Asking in prayer (I Ki.8:36, 39; Ps. 5:1; 55:1; 60:11; 141:1)
c.       To render thanks for (I Chron. 16:8, 28, 34, 41; Ps.96:8; 106:1)
d.      To  permit (Ps. 132:4; Pr.6:4)
e.       To pacify (Rom. 12:19)
f.        To yield to or obey (Eph.4:27)
g.       Take heed to (1 Tim.1:4)
h.      To attend to (1 Tim.4:13-15)
Mt. 6:12 says “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”
Pr. 19:17 says “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again”
The first question that may arise in your heart is “can anyone forgive God?” or “does God needs to be forgiven?” today, we’ll found out that it’s possible that God need to be forgiven by you for your benefit.
Every relationship of man is horizontal and vertical in nature. Horizontal means man-to-man while Vertical means man-to-God or God-to-man.

With the above scriptural references, forgiveness is a must if we must obtain the mercy of God. From the beginning, we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). From the day we’re born, we’re born into sin. We own God a lot even our lives. It’s important you keep this in mind. I was in a restaurant and I ordered for food. The owner of the shop was drinking strong drink. I started preaching to her telling her Jesus loves her and that her life can become better if she stop her bad ways and embrace Him. Then she told me- Pastor, I was once a Christian. I fasted a lot; I paid my tithes and give offerings yet nothing good was coming to me. Due to the frustration I went through, I decided to follow the life am living now. After she said that, I ask myself a question- “How many people have backslidded because they expected God to move at a set-time yet nothing happened? The Bible says “he who gives (hath pity or show kindness) to the poor, LENDS to God…” (Emphasis mine) That means every act of giving is a debt God owns you. The problem is that most often He doesn’t have one way He pays back but HE’LL SURELY PAY YOU beyond what you give. Because you don’t see result today, doesn’t mean it’ll not come or that it came but the enemy (Satan) has taken it from you.
GOD IS NOT THE REASON FOR YOUR FAILURES OR DEFEAT! To fail typically means “your strength couldn’t match the challenges” (Prov. 24:10) while to experience defeat typically means “though your strength match the challenges yet an extra force counter against you illegally” (Lk.11:21-22). Whatever it is that you experienced- failure or defeat, God is not reason why you are down. Many times because we want to sound “faithful” or we don’t want people to think we’ve “backslidded”, our mouth blame the devil while our heart blame God. Am talking to people who know they’re trying to please God or they are committed in God’s Kingdom expansion agenda and yet it seems nothing tangible is happening in their lives.


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